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100% Hydrolysed protein food for dogs.


What is a Hydrolysed food?

Hydrolysation is a process that simply put, break

proteins down into smaller pieces. This scientific

process reduces the chances of allergic reactions

and IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) responses.

How we hear you howl?

They make them harder for the body to recognise, a

little bit like putting the wrong glasses on and seeing

a familiar face from a distance, you’d be unlikely to

recognise them!

While not a guaranteed success this food style is

often recommend by vets for pets that have

suspected allergies or intolerances.

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The Sciency Bit

Pets bodies identify which animal a protein comes

from, so whether its chicken, venison or even goose

they’re all processed dependant on how their

identified, a little like a barcode, with a hydrolysed

diet this isn’t the case.

Intact proteins are more likely to cause an allergic

response, dogs and cats may react to specific

proteins, the body detects and reacts, however when

protein “chains” are broken down creating smaller

more manageable chain lengths (peptides) we

reduce the animals ability to detect the protein


The Goldilocks Principle

It’s easy to assume that an intact protein would be

the easiest and most suitable protein for a dog to

digest along with all of the supporting nutrients. On

the flip side some may think an individual amino acid

would be so small it could be digested perfectly...

However just like goldilocks, research tells us they

must be “just right” in size. Small chain peptides

provide the ideal absorption and digestibility rates.

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Dalmatian Dog
Image by Jamie Street


Is it as beneficial to pets as it is humans?

Collagen has taken the human therapeutic &

pharmaceutical industry by storm.

Most people will of seen a collagen based product

advertised for humans, anything from skin care to

health products.

Collagen plays an important role in maintaining

integrity of some of our organs & tissues in the body,

and our pets can also benefit from type I & Type III


90% of the protein content in bones, meaning its essential for

bone health. Types I & II are crucial components of cartilage,

Tendons & Ligaments, making it a key component to maintaining

flexibility and mobility in order dogs and promoting healthy

strong joints in younger more spritely dogs.

Type I & III contribute to a healthy skin and coat condition,

potentially even reducing dry itchy skin and improving its elasticity, while providing essential support to improve that glossy coat.

Collagens in our Gastrointestinal range have been seen to

support intestinal health & even aids in maintaining a barrier

which stops potentially harmful substances entering the body!

Fish peptides have demonstrated their ability to suppress

appetite molecules, this can help short term with portion control

and longterm reduce body fat %, and potentially improve

overall health.

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Opening Hours

Monday  l  Closed

Tuesday  l  9 - 5 

Wednesday  l  9 - 5 

Thursday  l  9 - 4 

Friday  l  9 - 4:30 

Saturday  l  9:30 - 5

Sunday  l  10 - 3

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